Image of the precontemplation icon for the curriculum coherence transtheoretical model.



The district needs a cohesive vision of literacy across all content areas based upon district-wide values and beliefs. Additionally, the district needs an established guaranteed viable curriculum (GVC) in order to mitigate variance in practices, assessment, and professional learning. For some teachers, the content and sequence of topics in the district resources tend to define the curriculum. It influences what is taught and emphasized by teachers. Other teachers design their own curriculum based upon open resources.

Action steps:

Equitable access to instructional materials, resources, communication, and professional learning is essential as districts engage these action steps.

Supports currently available through the Wayne RESA Literacy Team:

  • See the Wayne RESA Professional Development Catalog for a comprehensive list of professional learning opportunities
  • Initiate a conversation with district/building leaders around the purpose of a guaranteed and viable curriculum
  • Consult with district/building leaders about the process of forming a curriculum coherence team
  • Collaborate with Department of Literacy consultants to generate resources specific to this layer, such as slide decks, communication tools, applications and other forms and documents
  • Additionally, districts/schools can request customized support by completing the Wayne RESA PD Request Form

Suggestions for engaging in this work remotely:

  • Create a tentative timeline for the work
  • Use an LMS, such as Google Classroom or Moodle, to house resources (i.e., documents, presentations, articles) and facilitate whole group discussions
  • Set firm deadlines for responses
  • Use a virtual conferencing platform (i.e., Zoom or Google Meet) to review plans and/or achieve consensus
  • Invite a Wayne RESA Literacy Consultant into all platforms for support
  • Invite a Wayne RESA Culture and Climate Consultant into all platforms for equity support