Image of the maintenance icon for the curriculum coherence transtheoretical model.



The ELA curriculum team routinely revisits and revises the vision of literacy and the ELA curriculum framework based on reflective feedback from stakeholders, district-wide assessment data, and current research-informed practices in literacy instruction. Follow-up professional learning and collaborative time are provided to all stakeholders to engage in a continuous cycle of improvement.

Action steps:

Read and reflect upon Layer 5 Key Considerations and use those to guide the following:

  • Maintain communication of the district’s vision of literacy and ELA curriculum framework to all stakeholders through multiple platforms, such as
    • videos/screencasts
    • emails
    • a central location for curriculum materials (i.e., vision of literacy, pacing guides)
      • some examples of central locations include Atlas Rubicon, Google Suite, SharePoint
    • feedback loops
    • grade level meetings/PLCs
  • Continue to provide professional learning based on evaluation of feedback/assessment data through
    • whole staff professional development sessions
    • PLCs
    • coaching support
    • publisher presentations
  • Provide systemic training and professional learning to onboard all new staff, including teachers, coaches, and administrators
  • Revisit instructional delivery by utilizing
  • Review equitable access to curricular resources and materials including
    • consumable texts for teachers and students
    • online supplemental resources for teachers and students
    • supplemental resources (i.e., trade books)
    • inventory plan (i.e., checklists, book returns)

Supports currently available through the Wayne RESA Literacy Team:

  • See the Wayne RESA Professional Development Catalog for a comprehensive list of professional learning opportunities
  • Consult with the ELA curriculum team about continuous improvement and ongoing professional learning, communication with stakeholders, and professional learning around instructional delivery, including
  • Collaborate with Department of Literacy consultants to generate resources specific to this layer, such as slide decks, communication tools, applications and other forms and documents
  • Additionally, districts/schools can request customized support by completing the Wayne RESA PD Request Form

Suggestions for engaging in this work remotely:

  • Use an LMS, such as Google Classroom or Moodle, to house resources (i.e., documents, presentations, articles) and facilitate whole group discussions
  • Set firm deadlines for evaluation of feedback/assessment data
  • Use a virtual conferencing platform (i.e., Zoom or Google Meet) for professional learning/collaborative time
  • Invite a Wayne RESA Literacy Consultant into all platforms for support
  • Invite a Wayne RESA Culture and Climate Consultant into all platforms for equity support