The ELA curriculum team routinely revisits and revises the vision of literacy and the ELA curriculum framework based on reflective feedback from stakeholders, district-wide assessment data, and current research-informed practices in literacy instruction. Follow-up professional learning and collaborative time are provided to all stakeholders to engage in a continuous cycle of improvement.
Action steps:
Read and reflect upon Layer 5 Key Considerations and use those to guide the following:
- Maintain communication of the district’s vision of literacy and ELA curriculum framework to all stakeholders through multiple platforms, such as
- videos/screencasts
- emails
- a central location for curriculum materials (i.e., vision of literacy, pacing guides)
- some examples of central locations include Atlas Rubicon, Google Suite, SharePoint
- feedback loops
- grade level meetings/PLCs
- Continue to provide professional learning based on evaluation of feedback/assessment data through
- whole staff professional development sessions
- PLCs
- coaching support
- publisher presentations
- Provide systemic training and professional learning to onboard all new staff, including teachers, coaches, and administrators
- Revisit instructional delivery by utilizing
- Review equitable access to curricular resources and materials including
- consumable texts for teachers and students
- online supplemental resources for teachers and students
- supplemental resources (i.e., trade books)
- inventory plan (i.e., checklists, book returns)
Supports currently available through the Wayne RESA Literacy Team:
- See the Wayne RESA Professional Development Catalog for a comprehensive list of professional learning opportunities
- Consult with the ELA curriculum team about continuous improvement and ongoing professional learning, communication with stakeholders, and professional learning around instructional delivery, including
- the MAISA GELN Literacy Essentials documents
- literacy assessment
- feedback literacy
- Collaborate with Department of Literacy consultants to generate resources specific to this layer, such as slide decks, communication tools, applications and other forms and documents
- Additionally, districts/schools can request customized support by completing the Wayne RESA PD Request Form
Suggestions for engaging in this work remotely:
- Use an LMS, such as Google Classroom or Moodle, to house resources (i.e., documents, presentations, articles) and facilitate whole group discussions
- Set firm deadlines for evaluation of feedback/assessment data
- Use a virtual conferencing platform (i.e., Zoom or Google Meet) for professional learning/collaborative time
- Invite a Wayne RESA Literacy Consultant into all platforms for support
- Invite a Wayne RESA Culture and Climate Consultant into all platforms for equity support